
I don't like being defined for I have worn many labels through high school and college.
This blog is a challenge to myself to be true to who I am through writing what I really feel.
It is also a challenge to you readers to be true to who you are.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Scouting is Valuable

I'm an Eagle Scout.  That statement does not signify my rank in some boys club, nor does it imply elitism.  It is a way of life.  I started my scouting trail as a Wolf Cub Scout because the Tiger Cubs were not in our Pack.  (They might not have been created yet).  I eventually got the Arrow of Light and started my Boy Scout Career.  Throughout that time of my life, my experiences and the leaders along with my own leadership responsibilities shaped me into the person I am today.  I plan this to be the first of several posts about the worldwide scouting movement and why it is beneficial.

Byron Siwelnor

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