As a Catholic...wait that could lead people a Christian who just happens to be Catholic, I am morally opposed to and offended by people who go around telling others the world is going to end on DDMMYYYY.
We don't know. We aren't meant to know. The end of the world will come like a thief in the night. All these people do is stir the cauldron and drive away potential Christians. They also help opponents of Christianity stick the crazy label on us. Did they give all the money that their followers donated for the rapture signs back? Nope. Sorry. Now the good Reverend is saying, not for the first time, that he made a mistake and the end is coming in October.
But wait, he is also quoted as saying that May 21st was the spiritual judgement and that we are already judged. Isn't that a bit misleading as well? Where's his biblical evidence for that?
Another thing that bothers me is those fire and brimstone preachers on the Diag who continually yell hateful things at the crowd and inspire antagonism and retaliation. Instead of the hate speech that inflames people against God, Jesus, and us, try a little tact and understanding. It goes a long way. Maybe some people need to hear what you have to say, but one on one, not in the middle of the crowd. Also I really hate the "Catholics are going to hell" rants. I'm a Christian just like you, and my salvation is between God and I. You have no say in my , or any other peoples salvation. Lead people to God, don't drive them away.
Byron Siwelnor.
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