
I don't like being defined for I have worn many labels through high school and college.
This blog is a challenge to myself to be true to who I am through writing what I really feel.
It is also a challenge to you readers to be true to who you are.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Apple, kings of extortion.

randompics.net :: random funny pictures

Read this article. As an economist, I just don't understand how people can be so irrational as to buy a Mac when they overcharge for everything, and they actively participate in planned obsolescence. I mean you can buy a brand new PC for a lot less, and keep it working for longer buy treating it like Frankenstein. Also Microsoft already gouges us for office, why should Apple charge so much more? Also considering you can get similar software from Linux or FreeBSD, Apple is a bunch of extortionists. What do you think?

What you are paying for when you buy a Mac is the name. It's cool to own a Mac. It's so hip that if you were any cooler, you would be floating in a vacuum. Also Mac users talk with their hands...:)

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