
I don't like being defined for I have worn many labels through high school and college.
This blog is a challenge to myself to be true to who I am through writing what I really feel.
It is also a challenge to you readers to be true to who you are.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Labels are limitations.

I forgot to put into my last post that labels are limitations.  When you name something, you only confine it to that label.  For example a car is never used as a can of fish despite the fact that we can very easily seal it up with alot of fish inside.  Also a sports car can be driven at moderately slow speeds, yet when you say sports car, you think of a sexy Porshe going at breakneck speeds around the twists and turns of some mountain road in the alps.
When you think of a toothbrush, you do not picture it as a torture device to be used by children against their fathers to get dad to squeal like a pig.  Existential much....  However while form, along with names, follow function, function is not completely limited by intentions.  An Italian super-car can be a very expensive family sedan.  A toothbrush can be an instrument of torture.  As demonstrated by the Joker, a pencil can be a weapon.
The same can be said about people.  Many adults get sucked into one aspect of their life while neglecting the other.  Family's sacrificed to work; work to families; life to television and video games.  Embrace it all.  Give what you can where you can and don't be afraid to pursue everything that makes you you.  Break the label.

On the next post, my thoughts on zero tolerance rules at schools.

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