
I don't like being defined for I have worn many labels through high school and college.
This blog is a challenge to myself to be true to who I am through writing what I really feel.
It is also a challenge to you readers to be true to who you are.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sick of the Lies

The "millionaires" Obama refers too include anyone who makes $250k or more.  $250k is still in the middle class.  The government likes to say middle-class is $60,000 but if you look at what $60,000 buys now compared to in the 60's, then you will realize that $60,000 is no longer middle class.  True $250k is upper-middle class, but they are by no means rich.  Most of those people are men and women who worked hard all their lives and are at the height of their careers.  They will not make any more.  They are living comfortable lives in houses, not mansions.  They drive fords, not Ferrari's.  If they do drive a Ferrari, they have to make a decision on what they are going to give up for it.  They do not have so much money that buying a car is a small decision.  Now the government wants to push them back to were they started from.  Note I am talking about people around $250k not people who are billionaires.  These are the people who will be most affected by the proposed tax increase, not Bill Gates and his buddies!

Why should people not use corporate jets when the government does?  Why should congress get a jet but not a CEO?  At least the CEO has important meetings with other companies in different countries on consecutive days.  What do the Congressmen do with their jets?  Campaign?  What do you think!

Government should stop with the pork.  Instead of threatening Medicare, stop buying treadmills for shrimp.  Cut the pork.  Cut the fat.  Stop strangling the economy with regulation.  Regulate to facilitate competition, not to end it.  Stop trying to plan the economy, that's the consumers job.

Enough of the Pork and Fat in government.  Enough of the lies.  Enough!

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