
I don't like being defined for I have worn many labels through high school and college.
This blog is a challenge to myself to be true to who I am through writing what I really feel.
It is also a challenge to you readers to be true to who you are.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

McCarthyism today

Last night I watched a movie at a friends house.  That movie was Good Night, and Good Luck, a movie on Ed Murrow, and journalism during the Red Scare, when journalists had to look over their shoulders in fear of McCarthy and the military accusing them of being communists.  That movie sparked the thought that some of this continues today.  When we have to censor our speech in an airport for fear of being arrested, then it is time to reevaluate how we decide who is a security threat.

Just something to think about,

Byron Siwelnor

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