
I don't like being defined for I have worn many labels through high school and college.
This blog is a challenge to myself to be true to who I am through writing what I really feel.
It is also a challenge to you readers to be true to who you are.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

Happy Birthday America!

I just like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to be thankful that we are Americans.  As Americans, we are free to criticize the government and we are free to write these blogs.  Some Americans take their criticism too far.  They disrespect the flag, burning it in protest.  That is not right!  Protest the government all you want, but when you burn the flag you disrespect your neighbors, yourself, and the hero's who shed blood to allow you to criticize it.  Be thankful, for as we speak, thousands of American men and women are fighting for your freedom right now.  These men and women did not choose their battlefield.  They did not choose to raise or lower taxes.  They did not decide any laws.  When you burn the flag you disrespect their sacrifice, a sacrifice that allows your disrespect.  Let's be adults and not be disrespectful.

Thank you to all the members of the armed forces, both current and veterans.  You sacrifice so that we may live free.  Be proud, for you embody the American spirit.  God bless you all!

Byron Siwelnor

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