
I don't like being defined for I have worn many labels through high school and college.
This blog is a challenge to myself to be true to who I am through writing what I really feel.
It is also a challenge to you readers to be true to who you are.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stroke victim sues Dallas for Public Intoxication charge - Mix 102.9

Stroke victim sues Dallas for Public Intoxication charge - Mix 102.9

More examples of police bullying. I think police officers in general are good people, and I respect the job they do. However, there are some who do go into situations with their assumptions, and don't look at the evidence staring them in the face.

Byron Siwelnor

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Angelina County jury finds man guilty of evading arrest after being mistaken for burglar in his own home - The Lufkin Daily News: Local & State

Angelina County jury finds man guilty of evading arrest after being mistaken for burglar in his own home - The Lufkin Daily News: Local & State

This article speaks to the utter lack of common sense that law enforcement officials can make. They go looking for a criminal, they see a guy run and hide in a bedroom, and they spray mace in his face. I can see how his behavior could seem threatening, and I can see the need for caution. I do not see the need to pepper spray and use excessive force against someone who isn't acting threatening towards you. On top of that, the DA and Judge should have the common sense to realize that if you have a mentally handicapped man, who does not speak English, lived at the home that was supposedly robbed, then he probably doesn't belong in jail.

A crime has to have three elements, act, harm and intent. He was hiding in a bathroom, not fighting the cops. I don't see that as an act of resisting arrest. (Since he was not told he was under arrest in the first place.) What harm was there, except to his own person, and his home? Did the police suffer injuries? No. Lastly, how can he have intended to resist arrest if he did not understand what was happening?

The Judge said he couldn't sympathize with the victim because he didn't speak in his own defense. Again, he has the mind of a child! He doesn't speak English! Furthermore, he isn't required by the Constitution to testify, and as a Judge, it is his job to look past that and try the case based on the facts. Lastly, why would you want to put him in jail for six months. It's ridiculous!

The last comment by the prosecutor, that he tried the case because the law said he had to, is also an issue. Prosecutors are given leeway on which cases they prosecute. He should have never taken that man to court. This was wrong, and I hope that people learn from this case, and the others like it.

Byron Siwelnor

McCarthyism today

Last night I watched a movie at a friends house.  That movie was Good Night, and Good Luck, a movie on Ed Murrow, and journalism during the Red Scare, when journalists had to look over their shoulders in fear of McCarthy and the military accusing them of being communists.  That movie sparked the thought that some of this continues today.  When we have to censor our speech in an airport for fear of being arrested, then it is time to reevaluate how we decide who is a security threat.

Just something to think about,

Byron Siwelnor

Monday, July 11, 2011

United Against Work and Sweden

You Aint' working and Sweden

So whenever I say that socialism does not work, someone has to bring up Sweden.  News Flash, Sweden is not doing so great.  First, it's a small country.  Second, two major companies just left Sweden because they can't compete there.  (Saab and Volvo).  Thirdly, because it's a small country, the government only has to make a fraction of the jobs a larger country like the US has to make.  We will see how long Sweden's model will last.
Even China recognizes that the free market works in most situations.  China is not socialist, they are a dictatorship posing as true communism.

On another note, the UAW is killing themselves.  I agree that the top executives can be greedy and do take too much in bonuses.  However, the UAW does not help the situation.  A company whose name I cannot reveal because I learned of it in confidence had to close a plant in Detroit because it was uncompetitive.  They opened a new plant 100 miles away in Michigan and negotiated with the UAW to get a wage rate lower than in Detroit.  Where do you think the jobs went?  The same company offered buy outs to its workers, and they didn't take the buy outs in favor of staying in the job bank.  (Where they just sit around and get paid at 95 % of their wage rates).  The CEO sent a letter to all of them to report to work the next day or they were fired.  They all took the buyout.  What is with this entitled mentality.  If the UAW works so well, why do the Japanese companies pay more to the American Worker than the Americans.  It's because they can afford to because they are still competitive, and are selling.   The UAW can't bite the hand that feeds them.  The employer should be seen as the benefactor, not the enemy.  The companies can't even make good business deals because they are in fear of the UAW.  Something has to give.  Both sides need to work for the betterment of the company, not themselves.  By bettering the company, they better themselves.

Byron Siwelnor

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

Happy Birthday America!

I just like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to be thankful that we are Americans.  As Americans, we are free to criticize the government and we are free to write these blogs.  Some Americans take their criticism too far.  They disrespect the flag, burning it in protest.  That is not right!  Protest the government all you want, but when you burn the flag you disrespect your neighbors, yourself, and the hero's who shed blood to allow you to criticize it.  Be thankful, for as we speak, thousands of American men and women are fighting for your freedom right now.  These men and women did not choose their battlefield.  They did not choose to raise or lower taxes.  They did not decide any laws.  When you burn the flag you disrespect their sacrifice, a sacrifice that allows your disrespect.  Let's be adults and not be disrespectful.

Thank you to all the members of the armed forces, both current and veterans.  You sacrifice so that we may live free.  Be proud, for you embody the American spirit.  God bless you all!

Byron Siwelnor

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Elections 101: Ten facts about Thaddeus McCotter and his run for president - What are his strengths? - CSMonitor.com

Elections 101: Ten facts about Thaddeus McCotter and his run for president - What are his strengths? - CSMonitor.com

As one of his current constituents (he's the rep I voted for)
I'm impressed with his resume, but I doubt he will go far in this election. I hope he manages to get our message out though.

What do you think?

Sick of the Lies

The "millionaires" Obama refers too include anyone who makes $250k or more.  $250k is still in the middle class.  The government likes to say middle-class is $60,000 but if you look at what $60,000 buys now compared to in the 60's, then you will realize that $60,000 is no longer middle class.  True $250k is upper-middle class, but they are by no means rich.  Most of those people are men and women who worked hard all their lives and are at the height of their careers.  They will not make any more.  They are living comfortable lives in houses, not mansions.  They drive fords, not Ferrari's.  If they do drive a Ferrari, they have to make a decision on what they are going to give up for it.  They do not have so much money that buying a car is a small decision.  Now the government wants to push them back to were they started from.  Note I am talking about people around $250k not people who are billionaires.  These are the people who will be most affected by the proposed tax increase, not Bill Gates and his buddies!

Why should people not use corporate jets when the government does?  Why should congress get a jet but not a CEO?  At least the CEO has important meetings with other companies in different countries on consecutive days.  What do the Congressmen do with their jets?  Campaign?  What do you think!

Government should stop with the pork.  Instead of threatening Medicare, stop buying treadmills for shrimp.  Cut the pork.  Cut the fat.  Stop strangling the economy with regulation.  Regulate to facilitate competition, not to end it.  Stop trying to plan the economy, that's the consumers job.

Enough of the Pork and Fat in government.  Enough of the lies.  Enough!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Mascots in Ann Arbor

One word! NO!

To add a mascot to Michigan is akin to changing our identity.  It's like changing the winged helmet, or changing the lyrics to The Victors.  Yes, little changes are good.  The pregame show performed by the MMB over the years has changed.  The uniforms have changed.  We once had an unofficial mascot (Willy the Wolverine or some such nonsense).  Certain traditions are added and they stick.  Others fall away.  We still sing Varsity as one of our fight songs, but it has been surpassed by the Victors.  We added the winged helmet.  We added Let's Go Blue, Blues Brothers, and other great songs.  Traditions changed over time.  However, we tried the Mascot. It failed.

David Brandon wants to bring kids to see the mascot.  Bull!  I was a kid who loved Michigan football.  Not for a mascot (there wasn't one), but for the band, the game, the players, all the things that make Michigan great.  We don't need a mascot to bring in kids.  We just need to be great.

The real issue is the marketing.  The mascot would be sold at appearances, as plush toys, and on t-shirts. It's all a money grab.  Say no to mascots in A^2.  Our tradition is that we don't need one.  We actively ridicule mascots such as Sparty when they come to the Big House.  Why would we want them to ridicule a mascot that looks like a cute and cuddly badger.  A wolverine is not cute, nor is it cuddly.  It will rip out your lungs.

Leave the buffoons to little sister and lesser schools.  At Michigan we have the team, the band, and the fans.

Byron Siwelnor