
I don't like being defined for I have worn many labels through high school and college.
This blog is a challenge to myself to be true to who I am through writing what I really feel.
It is also a challenge to you readers to be true to who you are.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Europe Day 2

So the second day of the trip I spent by myself.  Mom and Dad had some function to go to, so I set out on my own to discover some musical history.  I first went to the apartments Mozart lived in.  In these apartments, his second in the city, he wrote the Marage of Figaro, and the Magic Flute.  He was good friends with Hayden and composed several string quartets with him in the apartment.  He also taught students, composed, and played billiyards.  I also learned that when he died, he was not by any means poor.  He had a sizable income, however he did suffer from a gambling problem. I also learned that he lived just down the alley in an apartment when he came to Vienna.  He would look out the window at his humble beginnings for inspiration.

After Mozart's home, I went to the museum of Music, which by the way sucked.  It was mostly a museum of the Vienna Philharmonic, and a poor one at that.  I then took it upon myself to eat at Burger King, which had Big Kings and a McKing...  yeah, but hey they had free refills on Coke.  I then attempted to go see a Museum in the Hofberg dedicated to ancient musical instruments and armor.  Unfortunately there was a big protest and the cops were surrounding the museum.  I later found out from one of the officers that the European Economic Summit was happening inside, and they were discussing the economic bailout of Greece.  That was interesting to me as an economist, but I still would have preferred to see the museum.  They sure like to protest in Europe.  They even had the military protecting the summit.

Here are some pictures.  The first is Mozart's apartment.  The second is the museum with the cops barricade. That picture was taken the day before the summit started.

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