I have a bag of clementines on my desk. They are really tasty and hopefully will help me ward off any more diseases that I seem to aquier from the subway despite my use of hand sanitizer.
Anyway, today we heard about the coming retirement of Joe Paterno. I always looked up to Joe because he always ran a clean, legit program. Now he is coming down in possible disgrace because his former assistant coach molested children. It's sad to think that the man's legacy can crumble just like that. I don't know how involved he was in the cover-up, but my heart goes out to all the Penn State fans and also to the victims.
Occupy Wallstreet needs to move. They have taken over my commute and I don't like it. Also I don't agree with their message. Yes there needs to be bank reform, but the reform should not involve redistribution of wealth. It just doesn't work.
The Euro is pretty much doomed. I remember predicting that when the Euro was created. When I was around 5 years old and ignorant.
That's life, let's keep on living.
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