
I don't like being defined for I have worn many labels through high school and college.
This blog is a challenge to myself to be true to who I am through writing what I really feel.
It is also a challenge to you readers to be true to who you are.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Law School

So I've started Law School, and I am loving it.  I feel intellectually challenged every day.
In Criminal Law we discuss and explore the strategic policy objectives of deciding which conduct to criminalize, and how to punish said conduct.  In contracts, we study what makes a contract, including discussions of what constitutes a valid offer.  In Torts, we explore the concepts of negligence through case law.  In legal practice, we serve as associates at a firm where we conduct client interviews, write office memos, and research legal issues.

My home life is pretty good as well.   I actually enjoy cooking, and I have a varied diet.

My weekly schedule looks a little like this.
Contracts and Crim
Read for LP and do any LP homework not already finished.
Edit notes from the day.
Web surf.
Read Torts
Edit notes
Read for Contracts and Crim
Wed and Thur are the same as Mon-Tue
Study, review, and outline notes from full course.
Work on larger lp projects
Saturday is my day off to watch Michigan Football.
My week might also include various seminars on legal issues.

See you all soon.

Byron Siwelnor

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