Now on to the true purpose of this post. Lance Armstrong is no more a cheat than I am a seal. He had over 500 drug tests during his career, and none of them ever tested positive. He had changing hormones, so what. He was getting over cancer, which might just explain changing hormones, and many experts believe that he was within the standard range of athletes. This is a witch-hunt. Being stripped of his victories is a joke, considering the ONLY evidence against him is the testimony of convicted dopers who are trying to make themselves look better.
There is no evidence. A grand jury did not indict him for doping, and the only thing you need to show for indictment is a chance of a crime, which is a low standard. The Federal Court did not throw the case against the USADA out because Lance was doping, but because they had no jurisdiction over the matter. And since Lance's only further venue for protest is arbitration before the USADA, by an arbitrator appointed by the body, there is no winning. I do not blame him for not continuing on his defense.
Furthermore, even if he did cheat, so does almost every other cycler in the sport. So who do you give the tour victory to? Jan Ulrich was a cheater, so not him. How far down do we have to go to not find a doper. The fact is that even if Lance were doping, it would not give him the mental ability to fight his way through the pain of the Tour, especially when he was facing more pain from his cancer. This is a witch-hunt. Shame on USADA. You are failing at your mission, and there needs to be some oversight.
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